Crock Pot Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (2024)

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  • Shannon Gallagher

    does the macaroni get mushy by doing it this way though??

    lovescrissangel at hotmail dot com

    • ReliP

      It did for me. Cut the pasta cook time down to maybe 2 minutes if you like al dente.

  • arm70

    Why would you put it in a crockpot? Do you cook everything in a crockpot?

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      If you have not yet – make this dish in a crock pot.I find that the flavors marry so well.

      • janie

        I cooked it in a crockpot while we were at church on Easter and it was delicious. And I did cut down pasta cook time by 2 or 3 minutes.

  • Tracey

    Just a question…I’ve made lasagna in the crock pot before and you just put the noodles in uncooked, and they turn out great. Do you think you could do that with the macaroni and just cook it longer? Or do you think it would make the dairy products curdle? Thanks! I think I’m going to try and make this as a side for supper!

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      You know I thought the same thing. You could try it, but I would do it like the recipe the pasta always comes out with the perfect texture.

      • Tracey

        thanks! Will try it following your recipe first! 🙂

    • Elizabeth Roby

      The second time I made it I put it in dry and added 1/4 cup of water to the crockpot. It came out the best.

  • Shannon Gallagher

    I will try this recipe but I would have appreciated a response to my question, as others have gotten theirs. Oh well.

    • Luci

      On step 2 of instructions do you also mix in the cheese soup, or just the grated cheese?

      • Budget Savvy Diva

        all of it 🙂

  • Carrie Dodd

    Daughter has an egg allergy. What would be a good substitute do you think??

    • Adrienne

      Ground flaxseed is supposed to be a great substitute for egg. The way to use flaxseed as an substitute is right on the package label. Hope it helps!

  • Cat

    Just curious – can you substitute something other than canned soup for this recipe?

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      I substitute it with 3/4 cup of cheddar cheese

      • Cat

        I see there is already a fair bit of cheddar included in the recipe … have you tried it with adding the extra cheddar instead of soup – is it noticeably different not using the soup? Thanks for your quick response, by the way! 🙂

        • Budget Savvy Diva

          I add the extra cheddar instead of the soup all the time to make it gluten free ( I also use corn pasta). I have also made it without the soup and it still works – You can always taste as you go 😉

  • denise

    have a nice little stock-pile of kraft mac and cheese, but hubby and i tried your crock-pot mac and cheese, and let me tell ya, after tasting yours, you’ll throw rocks at the boxed stuff, this is sooo tasty, we thank you for all the recipe posts, will be making crock-pot vegetable soup tomorrow and amazing apple pie bites for dessert, keep the recipes coming, look so forward to them. thank you, thank you

  • Melissa B

    I love Macaroni and cheese, your recipe sounds fabulous!
    Thanks so much!

  • Denise Hart

    Made this afternoon for my family. They loved it. I did not use the can of soup, but instead cream cheese and extra cheddar cheese as suggested. Only thing I will do different next time is use less pepper, 1/2 tsp should be enough 1 tsp was added too much heat. Cooked in crockpot on low for 1 hour and it was perfect.

    This one is a keeper. Enjoy!

    • janie

      funny about the pepper, Denise, I thought it needed more. LOL

  • Liz

    How do I prevent curdling? It tastes DELICIOUS… What am I doing wrong?

  • Stacy

    Im hoping I didn’t mess mine up. I had shredded cheese, not grated. So when it would not melt in butter I added the milk and whisked will melted; then put it all in crockpot. I hope that didn’t change it too much.

    • janie

      I used shredded also with milk and it was fine.

  • ReliP

    This was good, but next time I will cut down the cook time of the pasta to maybe only 2-3 minutes. After the 2.5 hours in the crock pot, the pasta was too soft, not al dente. Also, next time I will put the finished pasta in a baking dish, topped with cheese and bread crumbs, and bake for a little.

  • Crock Pot Mac N Cheese - Crock Pot -

    […] Pot Mac N Cheese Has anyone ever done this? I am going to use this recipe tonight… Crock Pot Macaroni and Cheese Recipe | Budget Savvy Diva __________________ to be a real killer on the dance floor you gotta practice every […]

  • nicole

    I went to melt my cheese and it is all stuck together in a ball. I put it in the crockpot and am hoping it will “un-ball” itself. Any hints?

  • Victoria

    How many does this serve?

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      About 6

  • Jessie

    This is soooooo yummy! Oh my goodness what a great recipe! Thank you so much for sharing!!!! 🙂 (Oh and for those with the melting cheese issues, I put 2 1/2 cups shredded cheddar & the butter in the microwave for 3 minutes in a glass bowl as I didn’t want to use my stovetop, I just put the butter on top and after 3 minutes everything was melted together just fine! Put the noodles in the microwave with cold water for 6 minutes and it was cooked perfectly as well! – It’s 90 degrees here today so anything I can do to keep from turning on my stove or oven is a win!) This recipe turned out soooo amazing. Thank you for sharing! I love the nutmeg & mustard – they add such great flavor to the mac n cheese!

  • Desiree Nemec

    This was great!!! I cooked the macaroni for about 3 minutes and left out the egg, but even my boyfriend–who is a complete mac and cheese snob–got seconds. Thanks for the great recipe!!

  • Wendy W

    This looks interesting, and worthy of a try, but I have a simpler recipe; Rice Cooker Mac n Cheese. Takes under 30 minutes from start to finish and you do everything in one pot, and with less ingredients too. We never bother buying boxed mac n cheese anymore. 🙂

  • Lillian

    Does this recipe need salt? I want to make this on Sunday!

  • Liz S

    Have you ever doubled or tripled this recipe? Do you think it will fit in a 6 qt crockpot? I want to make it for a family gathering and have never made it, so I’m hoping i can throw it in before we go to church!

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      I never had — but there is no reason why it would not work

    • Trista

      Did you ever try doubling or tripling this like you mentioned in your post? I want to make this for my husbands work pot luck but would need at least 2 or 3 recipes worth and don’t want to do a test run.

      • Budget Savvy Diva

        I have 🙂 I used 2 crock pots

  • Stephanie

    Possibly the GREATEST Mac and Cheese I have EVER had, thanks Budget Savvy Diva! The first time I made this I went with other peoples suggestions and cooked my pasta for about 3 minutes and stopped it after that and let the croc pot do the rest, but it was still a little too far cooked for me at the end. The second time I made this (going to be on the third time soon), I cooked it for 2 minutes and 30 seconds and it was still a little to far cooked. This third time I will cook it for little over a minute and see what happens.

    My other thoughts with this recipe are: I used honey mustard and it tasted fantastic, I also melted the butter, added the cheese AND the milk, and things seemed to come together a lot smoother. I am thinking about adding bacon this time for an extra treat, I will let you guys know how it goes.

    Again, GREAT recipe!

    • Crissy

      Don’t boil it at all and see if that works.

  • Erin

    Made this for dinner tonight.. Did everything as listed except I only had 2 cups shredded cheese so I used that and then 4oz of cream cheese 🙂 cooked my noodles for 2 min on the stove. Then cooked everything in the crockpot for 1 1/2 hours.. Came out great!! Cooked bacon and crumbled on top before serving..

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      Sounds like you had a great meal 🙂

  • Michelle

    Just curious, does it matter if I use whole milk instead of 2%? Also, does the crockpot need to be sprayed with Pam or buttered to prevent sticking? Thanks!

    • Crissy

      The milk doesn’t matter, buy slow cooker liners and never have to scrub your slow cooker again.

  • Erin

    Made this tonight & it was the best crockpot Mac & Cheese we have ever had!!!!!

  • Shannon

    Has anyone tried adjusting the recipe to make it without sour cream? My husband doesn’t like sour cream.

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      I have it is fine — you can use greek yogurt

  • Katie P.

    This mac and cheese was great! I did have the globby cheese issue as well (but I have never had success in getting cheddar cheese to melt smoothly). I think next time I’ll just throw it in the crock pot unmelted and see what happens. This is getting thrown in rotation! 🙂

  • Favorite crock pot recipes!

    […] #5 Today06:39 PM Mac n Cheese. Crock Pot Macaroni and Cheese Recipe | Budget Savvy Diva EASY chicken tacos. Chocolate Therapy: Crockpot Chicken Tacos You can use the leftover chicken […]

  • Lolly

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this mac n cheese…its very quick to fix on stove top and put in a 9 by 13 as well and bake a few to heat up. My kids like the kick from the cayenne and nutmeg. I have made this recipe at least 20 times and have taken it to teacher lunchs and church functions and it gets devoured. Thank you for an outstanding recipe. As far as pasta goes I never cook pasta fully when added to a sauce and more cooking time. Yes, it will get mushy. I got my pasta on full rolling boil for 4 minutes, drain and let sit in strainer while I make sauce. I put in the butter to melt on low heat and added the spices. Take off heat and add egg so it doesnt scramble and then add in the cheeses and sour cream. Comes out perfectly cheese and delicious and never dry !~

  • belinda

    low or high on the slow cooker?

  • Creiner

    I made this recipe today with a few slight variations…rather than using the canned soup, I used and extra 3/4C cheese, I put in 1c sour cream, and 1 1/2c milk….and I use my noodles DRY…no precooking. IT WAS AMAZING!! Best mac & cheese ever!! Will be making this many more times in the future! Thanks so much for the recipe 🙂

  • Fiesta Macaroni & Cheese Crockpot Recipe | BexBernard

    […] I wanted to share it with you here. I adapted a recipe from the Budget Savvy Diva’s Crock Pot Macaroni and Cheese Recipe.She has great tips and recipes that help you save money. Check out my Foodie Pinterest board for […]

  • Ashley B.

    I just put mine in the crock pot! I can’t wait. It will be perfect for pre-paper writing (finals week!).

    I didn’t have any trouble getting the cheese to melt and combine. I melted the butter over medium-low, added the cheese and stirred until very soft, added the soup and stirred until those combined, then the egg, milk, and rest of the ingredients. I followed the recipe to the T but omitted the cayenne as I don’t have any. I’m excited to see how it tastes! It came together very well. 🙂

  • Ashley B.

    HOLYMOLY!!! This is amazing! It’s super creamy. I think the soup made it. Along with the mixture of spices, of course.

    I forgot to mention: Like others, I only cooked my macaroni for a couple minutes. Next time I wouldn’t cook it at all as mine only took about 1 1/2 hours to cook until really soft (which is fine, I like it that way).

    I have been looking for a perfect macaroni and cheese recipe for years. None have ever really made the cut…this one was perfect!

    • Ashley B.

      I forgot to mention, I used medium cheese because that’s what I had on hand. It was still very yummy and strong enough 🙂

  • Hilary

    I love this recipe and wanted to make a double batch to deliver to a friend after she has her baby. Can this be frozen and stored in a toss away tupper?

  • Danielle

    Hi, please help me out here. I’m super confused by only 2 cups of the pasta? How does that make a meal? Surprised no one else said that. Thanks.

  • Top 10 Easy Crock Pot Recipes

    […] 2) Crock Pot Macaroni and Cheese Recipe […]

  • Tiffany

    Usually I prefer my mac and cheese with tomatoes, but with this recipe they’re not missed at all.
    This is the best macaroni and cheese ever. Theres something about it I can’t get enough of. Made it twice in one week I loved it so much.
    Best ever.

  • Amber Thompson

    This is truly the best mac n cheese I have made in along time. I find that boxed mac n cheese isn’t tasting very good at all. Make sure to not cook the noodles all the way because they will get mushy.

  • Rhonda Stoner

    Can’t wait to try this one!

  • Michele T

    I was just at a potluck last week, and someone brought mac n cheese in a crockpot, and I thought “Brilliant!”. I’d never heard of doing that before. Can’t wait to try this!

  • Melody McCullough Spence

    I’m going to have to try this. I love cheese!

  • Jill P

    I’ve been making this ever since you posted this recipe. So often, that I have the recipe memorized. It is a favorite here, for sure. I’m not a mac & cheese fan, but I can’t stop eating this stuff! My husband likes it with a bread crumb topping, so I sometimes add that at the end, just a mix of melted butter & bread crumbs.

  • Martha

    Mac and cheese is one of my favorite comfort food!

  • Cyndy

    Made this several months back and LOVED it! I was skeptical about mac and cheese in the slow cooker, but it worked great.

  • serita huff


  • Kraft Macaroni And Cheese Recall 2011 | Pen Pal

    […] Crock pot macaroni and cheese recipe | budget savvy diva Have a nice little stock-pile of kraft mac and cheese, but hubby and i tried your crock-pot mac and cheese, and let me tell ya, after tasting yours, you. […]

  • Pam

    I don’t have Nutmeg. I do have Allspice, Cumin and Paprika. Would any of these work as a substitution?

  • Easy Tips for Heart Healthy Substitutions in the Kitchen | Budget Savvy Diva

    […] Crock Pot Macaroni and Cheese Recipe […]

  • Anya Lewis

    When do you put in the egg in this recipe?

Crock Pot Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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