Moongiant - Moon Phase Calendar (2024)

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Moongiant - Moon Phase Calendar (1)

The Moon Phases on this month occurred 19 years and 11 months in the past. The month started on Sunday, August 1st with a phase that was illuminated. Explore this August Moon Phase Calendar by clicking on each day to see detailed information on that days phase. Also see more information about the Full Moon and New Moon in August 2004 including local viewing times.

August 2004

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Understanding Moon Phases

Let’s start with some interesting facts. It takes the Moon 29.53 days to orbit completely around the Earth in a full lunar cycle. During this time, the Moon will go through each phase. Since the Moon’s orbital journey takes a little less than a full month, when you click on future dates you’ll notice that–depending on the exact number of days in that month–the Full Moon occurs a day or two earlier each month.

It’s the Moon’s journey as it orbits around Earth that creates the predictable dance between light and shadow. And while the changes may seem slow, on any given day the amount of Moon illuminated by the Sun can vary by as much as 10-percent. The illustration above shows the range of illumination for today - June 24, 2024. The illustration is set to your computer’s clock and therefore gives you an accurate reading for your own particular time zone.

The four main Moon phases in order are the New Moon, First Quarter Moon, Full Moon and Last Quarter Moon. These phases occur at very specific times and are measured by both the Moon’s luminosity and how far along the Moon is in its orbit around Earth.

The New Moon Phase occurs when the Moon is completely dark with zero-percent luminosity, while the Full Moon Phase is completely bright with 100-percent luminosity. The First and Last Quarter phases happen when the Moon is exactly half illuminated, with 50-percent luminosity. When people say “today is a Full Moon” it’s important to remember that doesn’t mean the Moon is full all day long, only that the Full Moon Phase occurs on this day. In reality, the exact moment of the Full Moon can be timed to the second. To learn more about the exact time of the Full Moon and the current Full Moon info, check out these Current Full Moon times.

The remaining four Moon phases occur at halfway points between the main phases. Unlike the main phases, these minor phases don’t happen at a specific time or luminosity, rather they describe the Moon’s phase for the entire time period between each main phase. These interim phases are Waxing Crescent Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon, Waning Gibbous Moon and Waning Crescent Moon. The illustration below shows all eight main and minor Moon phases and where they occur in the lunar cycle.

Moon Phases In History

Imagine a Neanderthal peering out of his cave some dark summer night as the Full Moon rises above the horizon. Nothing on Earth was quite like this strange brilliant object arcing through the night sky. What did he think it was? It’s not hard to imagine how the Moon became the source of many religions, myths and legends throughout the ages.

The Greeks were among the first to take a scientific look at the Moon and her phases. Around 500 BC Greek philosopher and astronomer Pythagoras carefully observed the narrow boundary line—the terminator—between the dark and light hemispheres of the Moon. Based on how the terminator curved across the surface of the Moon, he correctly surmised the Moon must be a sphere.

Moongiant - Moon Phase Calendar (4)

A few centuries later, around 350 BC, Aristotle took Pythagoras observations even further. By observing the shadow of the Earth across the face of the Moon during a lunar eclipse, Aristotle reckoned that the Earth was also a sphere. He reasoned, incorrectly however, that the Earth was fixed in space and that the Moon, Sun and Stars revolved around it. He also believed the Moon was a translucent sphere that traveled in a perfect orbit around Earth.

It wasn’t until the 16th century that our understanding of the Solar System evolved. In the early 1500s Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus developed a model of the Solar System where Earth and the other planets orbited around the Sun, and the Moon orbited around Earth. One hundred years later Italian Astronomer Galileo used one of the first telescopes to observe the terminator and deduced from the uneven shadows of the Waning Crescent Phase that the Moon’s surface was pocked with craters and valleys and ridged with mountains.

These observations were revolutionary. Copernicus and Galileo upended the long-held Aristotelian view of the heavens as a place where Earth was the center of the Universe and the Moon was a smooth, polished orb. Telescopes and new minds helped scientist understand that the Earth and planets orbited around the Sun and the Moon was a battered and cratered satellite held in our own orbit.

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"); } } function calOneDay(juDay, juTomorrow){ var todayData = astro_utils.lunarParticulars(juDay); onedaycellInfo.moon_beta = todayData.moon_beta; onedaycellInfo.moon_lambda = todayData.moon_lambda; onedaycellInfo.moon_distance = todayData.moon_distance; onedaycellInfo.moon_positionAngle = todayData.moon_positionAngle; onedaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction = todayData.moon_illuminatedFraction; onedaycellInfo.sun_beta = todayData.sun_beta; onedaycellInfo.sun_lambda = todayData.sun_lambda; onedaycellInfo.sun_distance = todayData.sun_distance; onedaycellInfo.phase = UNDEF; var tommorrowData = astro_utils.lunarParticulars(juTomorrow); twodaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction = tommorrowData.moon_illuminatedFraction; var canonicalPhasesToday = astro_utils.canonicalPhases(juDay); var targetJDsingle = Math.round(juDay); for (var j = 0; j < canonicalPhasesToday.length; j++) { var match = Math.round(canonicalPhasesToday[j].julianDate); if (match === targetJDsingle) { var ph = canonicalPhasesToday[j].phase; onedaycellInfo.phase = ph; } } var d1 = onedaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction; var d2 = twodaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction; var diff = d2 - d1 var ph = onedaycellInfo.phase; // Check for 2nd full moon in a month. onedaycellInfo.blueMoon = false; if (ph === FULL_MOON && onedaycellInfo.activeMonth === true) { if (blueMoonFlag === true) { onedaycellInfo.blueMoon = true; blueMoonFlag = false; } else blueMoonFlag = true; } // Determine state of phase if non-canonical. if (diff >= 0 && onedaycellInfo.phase === UNDEF) // Waxing { if (onedaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction >= 0.5) // Gibbous { onedaycellInfo.phase = WAXING_GIBBOUS; } else // Crescent { onedaycellInfo.phase = WAXING_CRESCENT; } } else if (diff < 0 && onedaycellInfo.phase === UNDEF) // Waning { if (onedaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction >= 0.5) // Gibbous { onedaycellInfo.phase = WANING_GIBBOUS; } else // Crescent { onedaycellInfo.phase = WANING_CRESCENT; } } return { phase:onedaycellInfo.phase, fraction:onedaycellInfo.moon_illuminatedFraction, distance:onedaycellInfo.moon_distance, positionAnglePass:onedaycellInfo.moon_positionAngle } } function detectOS() { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera; // iOS detection from: if (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(userAgent) && !window.MSStream) { return 'iOS'; } else if (/android/i.test(userAgent)) { return 'Android'; } else { return 'unknown'; }}// Function to redirect to URL and track event in GA4function redirectToURLAndTrackEvent(label) {// Usagevar operatingSystem = detectOS();// Example usage for redirectionif (operatingSystem === 'iOS') {// Send event to Google Analytics gtag('event', 'app_clicks_month_calendar_mobile', {'event_category': 'Outbound Apple Link','event_label': 'Outbound Apple Link' }); // Redirect to the App Storeurl = ''; //url = 'itms-apps://'; // Redirect to the specified, '_blank');}else if (operatingSystem === 'Android') {// Send event to Google Analytics gtag('event', 'app_clicks_month_calendar_mobile', {'event_category': 'Outbound Google play Link','event_label': 'Outbound Google None Link' }); // Redirect to the Google Play Store url = ''; // Redirect to the specified URL, '_blank');} else {// Send event to Google Analytics gtag('event', 'app_clicks_month_calendar_mobile', {'event_category': 'Outbound None Link','event_label': 'Outbound none Link' }); url = '';//url = 'itms-apps://'; // Redirect to the specified, '_blank');} } $(document).ready(function(){ var appIconStore = detectOS(); const elementToRemove = document.getElementById('moonapp');if (appIconStore === 'iOS') {document.getElementById('moonapp').style.display = 'block';}else if (appIconStore === 'Android') { if (elementToRemove) {// Remove the elementelementToRemove.remove(); } //document.getElementById('googlePlay').style.display = 'block';}else { if (elementToRemove) {// Remove the elementelementToRemove.remove(); } }});

Moongiant - Moon Phase Calendar (2024)


What is the rarest moon phase? ›

The most rare would be full moons that fall into multiple categories. For example, a “super blood moon” would be when a full moon at or near the part of its orbit where its closest to Earth is fully eclipsed.

What is the most meaningful moon phase? ›

The Full Moon phase is thought to be the most powerful of all the moon phases. It brings with it a time to harvest intentions set, celebrate achievement and reap reward. The Full moon is often compared as the Yin to the Yang of the New Moon and as such can represent a period of closure and coming full circle.

Why is the Moon giant tonight? ›

The Moon illusion is the name for this trick our brains play on us. Photographs prove that the Moon is the same width near the horizon as when it's high in the sky, but that's not what we perceive with our eyes. Thus it's an illusion rooted in the way our brains process visual information.

What phase is the Moon in today? ›

The Moon Today: Waxing Gibbous.

What is a 0% moon? ›

At New Moon the percent illuminated is 0; at First and Last Quarters it is 50%; and at Full Moon it is 100%. During the crescent phases the percent illuminated is between 0 and 50% and during gibbous phases it is between 50% and 100%.

How rare is 2 full moons? ›

Usually full moon appear once every month . But it is a rare event to see a full moon twice in the same month. That is, if two full moons appear in the same month, the second full moon will be called as Blue Moon. The Blue Moon usually occurs every 2 or 3 years.

Which moon phase are soulmates? ›

You two are considered moonphase soulmates not when you have the same moon phase, but when your respective phases combine to create a perfect full moon.

Which moon is powerful? ›

Every full moon has a special magic, but a Super Blood Wolf Moon has a group of converging astronomical qualities that make it extra powerful: The Supermoon occurs when the moon is both full and at the point in its orbit where it's closest to Earth.

Which moon is good for manifesting? ›

It is believed that just after the new Moon, on the third crescent day, of the new cycle towards the full Moon is the best time to set an intention. The best advice is to start small like a ripple on the surface of the ocean and carry it forward everyday incrementally.

Why was the moon so big tonight? ›

Your brain compares the size of the Moon to the trees, buildings, or other reference points, and suddenly, the Moon looks massive! Yup, it's that simple! Next time you notice a gigantic Moon on the horizon, look again when the Moon is higher up. With nothing to compare the Moon to, it will look a lot smaller.

Is there a pink moon in 2024? ›

It may not be Barbie pink necessarily, but a Pink Moon is expected on Tuesday, April 23. Experts recommend going out to an open area to watch as the moon rises above the horizon. After the April 8 eclipse, the full moon might not have the same dazzle to it, but it makes for a pretty evening.

Are there any super moons in 2024? ›

There are four supermoons in 2024, the next one occurring on 19 August. Thereafter, 2024's supermoons occur on 18 September, 17 October and 15 November.

What does the 🌗 emoji mean? ›

A last quarter moon, the seventh of the eight phases of the moon. Depicts the moon as a cratered disc, its left side half illuminated in gold or silver, its remainder dark. May be used to represent the moon more generally, nighttime, outer space, and astronomy. May also be used to convey enchanting or eerie feelings.

What special moon is it today? ›

Waxing Gibbous

Today's moon is 75.60% visible and is crescent.

What does the full moon in May 2024 mean? ›

The Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs on May 23 at 9:53 a.m. Eastern Time. Astrologically, this Full Moon is asking us to allow for emotional release. The Sun in Gemini opposes this Full Moon, reminding us that not everything is how we see it.

What is the most unusual moon? ›

Neptune's Nereid possesses the most eccentric orbit of any moon in our Solar System, taking 360 Earth-days to orbit the planet.

Is a rainbow moon rare? ›

A moonbow (sometimes known as a lunar rainbow) is an optical phenomenon caused when the light from the moon is refracted through water droplets in the air. The amount of light available even from the brightest full moon is far less than that produced by the sun so moonbows are incredibly faint and very rarely seen.

What is a rare black moon? ›

Do you know what it means and how it affects the Earth and its inhabitants? A black moon is a rare astronomical phenomenon that occurs when there are two new moons in the same month. A new moon is the phase of the moon when it is not visible from Earth, because it is aligned with the sun and the Earth.

How rare is a purple moon? ›

For much of Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, the last purple moon occurred in 1999, but for those regions up through Middle East, the next purple moon would not be until 2075. For far eastern world like Japan and central and eastern Australia, the last purple moon occurred in 1980 and will next occur in 2094.


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