Play Teen Titans Go Jump City Rescue: Free Online TTG Platform Jumping Beat'Em Up Video Game for Kids & Adults (2024)

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This is a 10-level platform fighting game where you play as one of the 5 members of the Teen Titans. Take on The Brain’s mechanisms scattered throughout the ruins of Jump City and take on the H.i.V.E. Five and other villains who stand in the way.

  • Use each of the Teen Titans’ abilities to great effect when exploring a level.
  • Take on various villains to gain free movement.
  • Find all the icons of Silkie hidden across the levels.


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Play Teen Titans Go Jump City Rescue Game Online

Children and parents can play this cartoon beat’em up fighter game by clicking in the window below.

Alternatively kids and adults can play this cartoon fighting platformer video game or free as a web application here.

Teen Titans Go Jump City Rescue Video Game for Kids Video Game Play Instructions

Play Teen Titans Go Jump City Rescue: Free Online TTG Platform Jumping Beat'Em Up Video Game for Kids & Adults (23)

How to Play

As any of the Teen Titans, beat the H.I.V.E. Five and The Brain. Find and save 30 Silkies scattered across 10 stages. Take on supervillains along the way and have a final showdown against The Brain.

  • Starting the Game
    • Select the white play button to load the welcome screen.
    • On the welcome screen, select the play button on the bottom right corner to begin.
    • Select the sound button on the top right corner to turn the game’s audio on and off.
    • Your web browser automatically saves your game progress.
  • Game Controls
    • Desktop
      • Use the left and right arrow keys to move.
      • Use the up arrow key to jump.
      • Use the up arrow key twice to activate your hero’s special power.
      • Use the space bar to attack.
    • Touchscreen devices
      • Although the game might load on touchscreen devices, its controls were optimized for desktops with keyboards.
    • Indicators
      • Level selection screen
        • The number of coins and Silkie icons you’ve collected are shown on the top left corner of the screen.
        • The character selection tool is shown on the bottom left corner.
      • Main game
        • The character’s health points are shown on the top left corner.
        • The number of coins you’ve earned is shown on the top right corner.
        • The number of Silkie tokens you’ve collected is shown at the top center.
  • Game Play
    • Levels
      • Levels are unlocked sequentially. Only a few levels are playable at any given time.
        • Levels are segregated into sections on the Level Selection Screen.
        • Some levels aren’t playable until you play the level before them.
        • Part of the level is blocked by a villain. You must confront them to move forward.
      • You can play all the currently accessible levels at any given order.
      • Beat all of the levels in a section and the villain boss to open up the next section of the game.
      • You can replay all the levels you’ve previously unlocked.
    • Basic rules
      • Fight through 10 levels throughout Jump City.
      • The game has 2 basic modes:
        • Overload the mechanism in each of the 10 levels.
          • Reach the end of the level and take out the machine.
          • Destroy as many boxes & enemies as you can, and collect as many coins as you can.
          • Pick up all 3 Silkie icons.
        • Fight the boss
          • Take on a villain.
          • Defeating a villain grants you the ability to roam freely across the level.
          • To defeat them, press the space bar until your attack is fully charged. You can see the charging bar on the bottom center of the screen.
          • Each villain mini-battle is slightly different. Some are structured as rapid tapping games, others are tap timing games, a whack-a-mole styled game, and one is sort of a parallel to the popular lumberjack tree chopping games.
          • After you beat all 10 levels there is a main boss battle where you take on The Brain in The Brain’s Headquarters.
    • Navigating the levels
      • There are 10 levels scattered across 3 zones.
        • The first 2 zones have 3 levels each and the last zone has 4 levels then a boss battle.
        • Within a zone you can beat levels in any order, but you must beat all levels within a zone to unlock the next zone.
        • You can go back and replay any zone you have beat to find extra Silkie icons you missed on earlier passes.
        • From the level overview screen you can move to a place where a level is to see how many of the 3 Silkie icons you collected from it.
      • The mechanism to destroy is located at the very end of each level.
      • Dodge or defeat enemy robots.
        • Beware, as making contact with any robot can harm you.
        • Beat up the robots as soon as they’re within range.
        • Many characters have a range attack which allows you to hit from afar while the enemy can not hit you.
      • Avoid the hazards found in the level:
        • Spiked floors
        • Spiked walls
        • Acid
        • Poisoned ground
        • Flames
        • Cannonballs
      • Destroy boxes and other items to collect coins and hearts.
        • Coins help you buy more upgrades and powerups.
        • Hearts replenish your health.
        • Collect icons of the Teen Titans’ pet Silkie to get a better score rating for the level.
      • Search for hidden rooms around the level. This is where Silkie icons are often found.
        • If you see Silkie somewhere but can not access him there is likely a false wall you need to walk through.
        • If you collect a Silkie and there are 2 left in the level then when you replay that level you only need to collect the remaining 2 to get a 2-star level score.
        • If you do not see where some Silkie icons are located & you have checked for false walls throughout the level you may need to play with a character which can fly to reach far away ledges.
        • If there is no false wall around a Silkie and it is fully enclosed you may have to use Raven’s super power warp ability to warp across past a wall.
        • If there is a high enclosure with a wall you will likely need to use Robin to climb the wall.
        • If there is a high enclosure which has spikes on the wall you will need to use Cyborg’s flight to climb without touching the walls.
    • Health
      • You only have a limited amount of health.
      • Getting attacked or making contact with a hazard reduces your health.
        • After getting hit once, you become temporarily invincible.
        • Use this to get yourself out of a dangerous position before you get hit again.
      • Look for hearts to replenish your health. Some enemies you destroy leave health behind & some boxes you break have health inside them with coins.
      • Equip an XL pizza to double your health.
    • Playing as the Teen Titans
      • All 5 of the Teen Titans have similar general controls.
        • Attacking enemies
          • Some enemies take multiple hits to destroy.
          • When you attack enemies you have a bit of a recoil or a backward movement, so anticipate that if you attack enemies in midair.
      • Each of the Teen Titans has their own set of unique powers. These can make them better suited for some levels more than others.
        • Robin
          • He can briefly cling to walls through his grappling hook.
            • Land on a wall to activate this power.
            • Press the up arrow key to ascend. Make sure to keep landing on the wall.
          • Climb walls by jumping and clinging to the wall face.
            • Use this to cling to the wall if you miss a ledge. It takes less effort to higher up ledges.
            • Over time, he gradually slips. Be sure to keep jumping to ascend.
          • Robin’s attacks are melee. He needs to be close to his foes to attack.
        • Cyborg
          • He can use his jetpack to briefly fly. Use this to climb up platforms with relative ease.
          • The jetpack has a limited charge, shown as a bar above Cyborg.
          • The jetpack can only charge if Cyborg is on the ground. To charge, stop jumping.
          • Cyborg’s attacks are close-range melee.
        • Raven
          • She can double jump and glide.
            • To double jump, press the up arrow key again after jumping.
            • To glide, press and hold the up arrow key again after jumping.
          • Double jumping increases your range and lets you reach higher platforms.
          • Gliding slows down your descent and helps you avoid pit traps. Raven glides downward.
          • Raven’s attacks are ranged and will hone in on the enemy.
          • The combination of double jump, glide & automatically aiming range attack make Raven a great character to use on your first pass through every level.
        • Beast Boy
          • Like Robin, he can cling to walls by transforming into a money.
            • You activate this power by jumping onto a wall.
            • Beast Boy must jump to another wall (back and forth) to ascend, whereas Robin can keep repeatedly jumping on a single wall.
            • Over time, Beast Boy gradually slips.
          • Like Raven, he can glide.
            • To glide, press the up arrow key again while in midair.
            • Unlike Raven, Beast Boy glides in a shallow angle.
          • Beast Boy’s attack is melee and requires him to be in close range.
        • Starfire
          • Like Raven and Beast Boy, Starfire can glide.
            • To glide, press and hold the up arrow key again after jumping.
            • Starfire’s glide resembles a cross between the two character’s glides. She drifts down from a steep angle, as opposed to straight down like Raven or on a shallow angle like Beast Boy.
          • Like Raven, she can also double jump.
            • Press the up arrow key at the top of your jump to double jump.
          • Starfire has a ranged attack. Unlike Raven’s, these attacks fly in a straight line.
    • Equipment and upgrades
      • Go to the pizza icon in the Level Selection Screen to activate the store.
      • At the store, you can use your coins to buy pizzas. All pizzas are one-time use; to use it again, you have to buy it again.
        • XL Pizza: Costs you 100 coins and grants you extra hit points
        • Glow Pizza: Costs you 200 coins and reveals the whereabouts of secret zones.
        • Pizzas are equipped across any character playing that specific level.
        • It can make sense to use the Glow Pizza on any level where you are stuck with incomplete Silkie icons, but most the levels are so easy you shouldn’t need to use the XL Pizza on them.
      • You can also use specials to upgrade your heroes’ skill sets:
        • Robin special: Fire Birdarangs for 200 coins.
        • Starfire special: Charge attacks for greater damage for 450 coins.
        • Beast Boy special: Charge a gorilla attack for 450 coins.
        • Cyborg special: Charge an area attack that affects those around him for 450 coins.
        • Raven special: Move through walls for 450 coins.
    • Final Boss Battle
      • On the final boss battle against The Brain it makes sense to equip the XL Pizza for extra energy.
      • If your character has a high-powered C attack use it rapidly when you are in close proximity to The Brain.
      • Sometimes The Brain separates from his mech.
        • When The Brain and the mech are connected you can do damage by shooting them, though they regularly separate.
        • In most cases The Brain remains flying separated from the mech, though sometimes the brain falls out.
        • In general you want to attack whatever remains on the floor & not attack the part flying in the air.
        • It is best not to use Raven in the boss battle since Raven automatically aims and may aim at the part that does not take damage.
    • Tips
      • Explore the level as thoroughly as you can to find the Silkie icons.
      • Replay the levels as different Titans to see how well you perform.
  • Target Audience
    • The game is suited for people of all ages who like the Teen Titans Go series or beat’em up & platforming games.
    • The game has no adult themed content.

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Mobile Friendly Cross Browser Support

This game is rendered in mobile-friendly HTML5, so it offers cross-device gameplay. You can play it on mobile devices like Apple iPhones, Google Android powered cell phones from manufactures like Samsung, tablets like the iPad or Kindle Fire, laptops, and Windows-powered desktop computers. All game files are stored locally in your web browser cache. This game works in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and other modern web browsers.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.